Miss Nigeria's Visit to Queen's College Lagos [@QCOGs] As She Commemorates The International Women’s Day Celebration
Monday, March 10, 2014Omoba
The International women’s day is a global celebration that highlights the importance of women in a society, by celebrating them. All over the world, this very significant day will be marked on the 8th of March 2014.

Miss Nigeria is a custodian of values and an advocate for change. She has a credible voice and it showed. There was an absolute quietness as she was called up to the podium on the assembly ground. Ezinne spoke from a place of passion on subjects of the pursuit of a girl child’s dreams, basic etiquettes for a respectable female in a society (as every woman is a queen), and the need to abide by governing principles within any given institution or society.
Furthermore, she spoke extensively about the security of women in our society, while women abusers will always subsist; there are measures that can be taken in order to avert violence against women. Again, In Ezinne’ s statement she said that ‘’ The importance of a woman in shaping a society cannot be over emphasized’’. Here she put forward that women are change agents in a society, but that they must all stand worthy of that responsibility.

Furthermore, she added that ‘’If you can dream it, you can be it’’ as she admonished these young women to become all that they dream, letting nothing pull them back in their aspirations and responsibility to the society.
Amid this solemn talk were a lot of interactive moments between the queen and pupils of Queens College Lagos. There was also a lot of photo sessions that left the youngsters and school officials even more excited to have Miss Nigeria.

At the end of it all, the principal of Queens College Lagos, Mrs. Osime, E. M. made a closing speech, thanking Miss Nigeria- Ezinne for taking out the time to come and motivate the students, whom are very much of an impressionable stage of their lives.
We hear that Miss Nigeria has a lineup of impactful activities such as these, that will give a face and a voice to the causes that she stands for.