This collection is a direct response to the rapid globalization around us. There is a rich heritage of culture and tradition in Nigeria that is inextricably linked to fashion. Our country today is transitioning into an unexpected hub of commercial and corporate activity and as a result Nigeria is now capable of refining its natural resources and transforming them into world-class products by virtue of a growing skilled and creative workforce. This collection will physically project our socio-economic growth as well as uphold Africa’s rich and opulent culture as a whole.

This collection is a direct response to the rapid globalization around us. There is a rich heritage of culture and tradition in Nigeria that is inextricably linked to fashion. Our country today is transitioning into an unexpected hub of commercial and corporate activity and as a result Nigeria is now capable of refining its natural resources and transforming them into world-class products by virtue of a growing skilled and creative workforce. This collection will physically project our socio-economic growth as well as uphold Africa’s rich and opulent culture as a whole.

In conception, we were inspired by the minimalist culture that is currently trending. Minimalism is described as any design or style in which the simplest and fewest elements are used to create the maximum effect. Da Vinci famously said, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”. Selfridges, one of the biggest department stores in the fashion capital of London has embraced this movement by implementing a de-branding project that they have aptly termed “No Noise”. Under this initiative, the Selfridges logo will be removed from its iconic yellow bags but will still retain the prestige and heritage associated with this very popular department store. They all celebrate the beauty of a minimalist aesthetic and focus on a product’s quality and function rather than its packaging or advertised image. The quote “less is always more” thus means more right now than it ever has.